
Showing posts from November, 2018

Power Electronics important question/question bank for ECE

Hi friends, here you can find some important questions for the subject Power Electronics. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams. Short answer type questions. State the functions of latching and holding recurrent in thyristors Explain the di/dt and dv/dt feature of a thyristors How the voltage across the commutating capacitor in reversed in a commutating circut Explain basic single phase half wave controlled rectifier Explain why a separate free wheeling diode is not in case of single phase full wave half controlled rectifier. List the applications of parallel inverter? Explain the difference between class A, class B and class C chopper. Explain the features of cyclo converter? What is the role of chopper is power electronic ckts ? How speed control of full wave drive is managed? Explain the role a cyclo converters in ac drives . Compare the features of offline UPS and online UPS Explain the functions of smart UPS Expl...

Microwave and Radar Engg. important question/question bank for ECE

Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Microwave and Radar Engg.. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions. What is frequency range of X band? Define waveguide. Draw shape of circular wave guide. TEM stands for______. _____ mode is impossible in a wave guide. Define guide wavelength. Define E- Bends. What is use of Isolator? Define Variable attenuator. Define vacuum tubes. Klystron tube is widely used as _____ at microwave frequencies. TWT stands for _______. Draw structure of Horn antenna. D layer is at a height of _______. Define unambiguous range. Expand FMCW. Name any most common type of radar display. VSAT stands for ____________. Short answer type questions What are applications of microwave frequencies? Why wave guides are used for higher frequencies? Write expression for propagation constant of a rectangular wave guide. Write a short n...

Optical fibre communication important question/question bank for ECE

Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Optical fibre communication. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions Snell's law Pin diode Doping Attenuation Optical frequency range fit rate Refractive index Dark current Laser Spontaneous emission Optical connector Quantum efficiency Responsivity Absorption Dynamic response of LED Fiber couplers Acceptance angle Dispersion Short answer type questions. Explain laser oscillation. What are the application of optical fiber communication system. Write a short note on optical switches. What is the role of photo diode in OFC? Explain in brief about bending losses. Describe APD in detail. Write a note on fusion splicing method. Explain optical digital link. What are the properties of a good connector? Explain the block diagram of optical fiber comm. What is the principle of operation of distributed feedb...

Strength of material subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical/automobile engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Strength of material. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: VERY SHORT QUESTIONS (2 MARKS) 1. Define load 2. Define stress and give its unit 3. Thermal stress 4. Lateral strain 5. Poisson's ratio 6. Define elastic limit 7. Limit of proportionality 8. Hoop stress 9. Modulus of elasticity 10. Resilience 11. Proof resilience 12. Various modes of loading 13. Torsional resilience 14. Proof load 15. Moment of inertia 16. Section modulus 17. Axis of symmetry 18. Centroidal axis 19. Moment of resistance 20. Pure bending 21. Modular ratio 22. Hooging bending moment 23. Sagging bending moment 24. Types of beam 25. Point load 26. U.D.L 27. Point of contraflexture 28. Column 29. Slenderness ratio 30. Equivalent length of the column 31. Buckling load 32. Long column 33. Torsion 34. Polar moment of inertia 35. Strength of a solid s...

Workshop technology 3 subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Workshop technology 3 . These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: VERY SHORT QUESTION (2 MARKS) 1. Draw a neat sketch of column and knee type Milling Machine. 2. Name any two materials of milling cutter. 3. Define Indexing. 4. Define cutting speed in Milling Machine. 5. Give any two elements of grinding wheel. 6. Define the balancing of Grinding Wheel. 7. Name any two method of Grinding. 8. Name any two methods of gear Manufacturing. 9. Define Gear shaping. 10. Name any two types of gears. 11. Define electrical discharge machining. 12. Name any two non conventional methods of machining. 13. Name the dielectric fluid used in EDM. 14. Give any two applications of metal spraying. 15. Is electroplating a metal coating process? 16. Name any two process of surface finishing. 17. Give any two applications of lapping 18. Give any...

Theory of machines subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject  Theory of machines for Mechanical Engineering Students . These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. VERY SHORT QUESTION (2 MARKS) 1. Define MACHINE. 2. Define resistant body 3. Define constrained motion. 4. What is higher pair? 5. Classify types of belts. 6. Define creep. 7. Define crowning of pulley. 8. Define diametral pitch 9. Define pressure angle. 10. Name the rope material define coefficient of fluctuation of energy. 11. What is flywheel 12. What is governor? 13. Define isochronisms. 14. Define dynamic balancing. 15. What is balancing? 16. Define longitudinal vibrations. 17. Name the term used of number of cycle completed in one sec. 18. What is resonance 19. Give the equation of length of open belt 20. Define PCD in gear. 21. List types of pulley. SHORT QUESTION FOR (4) MARKS 1. Diff b/w structure and machine. 2. Describe ellipti...

Refrigeration and air conditioning subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical engineer

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Refrigeration and air conditioning. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: VERY SHORT QUESTION (2 MARKS) 1. Define refrigeration effect 2. Define one ton of refrigeration 3. Define C.O.P. of a refrigeration system. 4. Name the principle parts of a simple vapour compression system. 5. Define refrigeration effect. 6. Name some secondary refrigerants 7. What are hydrocarbons? 8. Classify refrigerants 9. What is the function of compressor 10. Define condenser 11. Define cooling tower 12. What is thermostat switch 13. What is overload protector 14. Define psychrometry 15. Define moist air 16. Define saturation air 17. Define specific humidity 18. Define degree of saturation 19. Define dry bulb temperature 20. Define dew point temperature 21. Define wet bulb temperature 22. What is heating with humidification 23. Define air ...

CNC and Automation subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject CNC and Automation. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: Very short question (2 marks) 1. What is NC machine 2. Define CNC Machine 3. Define DNC Machine 4. Components of CNC machine 5. Name various input devices used in CNC machine 6. EIA Format / ASCII Code 7. Convert 27 of decimal into binary number. 8. Stepper motor 9. What is preset tool? 10.Define ATC 11.What are qualified tools? 12.Types of control system 13.Feedback devices 14.Axis control system 15.What is PLC? 16.What is Resolution? 17.What are transducers? 18.What are encoders? 19.LVDT 20.What is repeatability? 21.Explain any two G codes. 22.Explain any two M codes. 23.What is block no. in a part program? 24.Cutter radius compensation 25.Tool offset 26.What is Dwell? 27.What is backlash error? 28.Define automation. 29.Name different types of automation. 30....

Workshop technology 1 subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Workshop technology 1. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: VERY SHORT QUESTIONS (2 MARKS) 1) What is spatter? 2) What is penetration? 3) Write full form of MIG. 4) What is electrode? 5) Define weld bead. 6) What is flux? 7) Define HAZ. 8) What is colour of oxygen cylinder? 9) Name the gases used inTUG welding 10) Name different types of pattern allowance. 11) What is Green Sand? 12) What pressure die casting? 13) State the function of draft allowance. 14) Define core prints 15) Define pattern. 16) Define core. 17) What is binders? 18) Define Plastic. 19) What is forging? 20) What is rolling? 21) What is extrusion? 22) Define recrystallization temperatue. SHORT QUESTIONS (4 MARKS) 1. What is moulding sand? Explain one of them. 2. Write down properties of moulding sand. 3. What are typesofd riser? 4. Enlist variou...

Thermodynamics subject important questions/question bank for Mechanical engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Thermodynamics. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: VERY SHORT QUESTIONS (2 MARKS) 1. Define open system and isolated system. 2. What are extensive properties? 3. Define Quassi static process 4. Explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics 5. State Boyle's law. 6. Define Avogadro's law. 7. Write general gas equation 8. What are flow and nonflow process 9. Define isentropic process 10. State isobaric process 11. Define isothermal process 12. Define Heat source and Heat sink 13. Define 1st law of thermodynamics. 14. Define heat pump. 15. What is real gas? 16. Write Vanderwaal's gas equation. 17. What is ideal gas 18. What is superheated steam and wet steam? 19. What is dryness fraction 20. What is a boiler 21. Name types of compressor 22. Define radiation 23. Define thermal conductivity. 24. Define natural and forced ...

Auto Engine 2 subject important questions/question bank for Automobile engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Auto Engine 2. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: 1. State difference between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine. 2. State the advantages of diesel engine over petrol engine. 3. Describe the phenomenon of combustion in S.I engine in brief. 4. Descibe the concept of hybrid car. 5. What is significance of octane and cetane number. 6. Describe the concept of supercharged engine. 7. Write a short note on fuel cell 8. What do you mean by priming of fuel feed pump. 9. Write short note on wankel engine 10. Write the effect of pollution on environment 11. Describe squish in detail. 12. Describe the working and theory of diesel engine in detail. 13. Describe working of gas turbine and jet propulsion engine 14. What do you mean by 2 stroke engine scavenging? 15. Describe the working of turbocharger 16. Define swirl in engines. Click ...

AEES subject important questions/question bank for Automobile engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject AEES. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: 1) Describe the construction and working of lead acid battery. 2) Draw the wiring circuit of a car. 3) Describe the construction and working of regulator of dynamo. 4) Explain the working of bendix drive. 5) Explain any one of alkaline battery with charging and discharging reaction. 6) Explain current and voltage regulator for dynamo 7) Write short note on: Cut out relay Defroster Horn relay Contact breaker Different test of battery Bimetallic fuel gauge Balancing type fuel gauge Click on links below to download question bank - AEES subject important questions Question bank on automobile engineering

Metrology 1subject important questions/question bank for Automobile engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Metrology 1. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS VERY SHORT QUESTIONS (2 MARKS) 1) Define fits. 2) Types of fit. 3) Define tolerance. 4) Define transition fit. 5) Define interference fit. 6) Define gauges. 7) Define limit. 8) Define pattern. 9) Define core. 10) Define mould. 11) Define casting or molding. 12) Write down the constituent of mounding sand. 13) Define metal coating. 14) Define galvanizing. 15) Define vccumisisng 16) Define core. 17) Define core print. 18) Write down the material for patern. 19) Function of lathe. 20) Main pars of lathe. 21) Define chuck. 22) Define turret lathe. 23) Define shaper. 24) Define go gauge. 25) Define not-go gauge. SHORT QUESTIONS (4 MARKS) 1) What are the different types of fits? Explain them. 2) Explain the metal cutting process. 3) Explain about the micrometer. 4) Expla...

EME subject important questions/question bank for Automobile engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject EME. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: VERY SHORT QUESTIONS (2 MARKS) 1. What is fluid 2. Define mass density and specific weight of fluid 3. Define pressure 4. Define manometer 5. What is surface tension 6. Define viscosity 7. State Pascal's law 8. Name various types of manometer 9. What is guage presser 10. Name various pressure measuring devices 11. Define rate of flow 12. Define venturimeter 13. What is continuity equation of flow 14. Define work 15. Define different types of system 16. Define hydraulic ram 17. Define state 18. Define thermodynamics property 19. What is quasi-static process 20. Define ideal gas 21. State Joule's law 22. Define heat source and heat sink 23. State 1st law of thermodynamics 24. Define isobaric process 25. Give some example of reversible process 26. Define natural and artifici...

AED subject important questions/question bank for Automobile engineering

Hi friends Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject AED. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: 1. Draw proportion neat sketches of any two of the following. a. Universal joint b. Roller bearing c. Crankshaft 2. Draw the profile of involutes teeth for a gear having 25 teeth and a module pitch equal to 10mm assuming a pressure angle of 200 3. Gear has 24 teeth of 33mm circular pitch and pressure angle 200. Draw a few teeth 4. Draw profile of cam with knife edge follower having uniform acceleration and retardation through the motion. a. Lift of follower 40mm during 600 rotation b. Dwell for next 450 rotations c. The remaining revolution is at minimum radius which is 60mm 5. Detail drawing of a spark plug of engine is shown. Draw the following views of assembly. All dimensions are in mm. Observe 1st angle projection method. a. Sectional front elevation b. Side view 6. Draw a neat ...

Microwave Engineering Handwritten Notes/eBook PDF download for ECE 5th semester

Hey buddies! I am here sharing the handwritten pdf notes for  Microwave engineering  as per the syllabus of electronics branch engineering students. This eBook for Microwave engineering will help you in your studies for your semester examination and assist you in getting good marks. Key topics included in these handwritten notes/eBook of Microwave Engineering are: Microwave Transmission Lines Waveguide Components Microwave Tubes Microwave Solid State Devices and Microwave Measurements Circular Waveguides and Micro strip Lines. Cavity Resonators and Re-entrant Cavities Waveguide Components and Application Microwave Tubes—Klystrons, Helix TWT and M-type Tubes (Mangerons) Microwave Solid State Devices Basic Microwave Measurement These notes on Microwave engineering can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Microwave Engineering Handwritten Notes Microwave Engineering Handwritten ebooks Microwave Engineering Handwritten pdf download

Basic Electronics Handwritten Notes/eBook PDF Download for ECE 3rd Semester

Hey buddies! I am here sharing the handwritten pdf notes for the subject  Basic Electronics  as per the syllabus of electronics branch engineering students. This ebook for Basic electronics will help you in your studies for your semester examination and assist you in getting good marks. Key topics covered in these notes/eBook of Basic Electronics: UNIT I- ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS UNIT II- SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES UNIT III- TRANSDUCERS UNIT IV- DIGITAL ELECTRONICS UNIT V- COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS These handwritten notes on Basic Electronics can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Basic Electronics Handwritten Notes Basic Electronics Handwritten ebooks Basic Electronics Handwritten pdf download

Applied Electronics Handwritten Notes, eBook PDF Download for ECE 3rd Semester

Hey Electronics Engineering Students, I am here sharing the handwritten pdf notes for  Applied Electronics  as per the syllabus of electronics branch engineering students. This ebook for Applied electronics will help you in your studies for your semester examination and assist you in getting good marks. Key Topics covered in Applied Electronics Handwritten Notes, eBook: Multi Stage Transistor Amplifiers RC Coupled Amplifiers Transformer Coupled Amplifiers Direct Coupled Amplifiers Transistor Power Amplifiers Single Ended Transistor Power Amplifiers Class B & C Amplifiers Push Pull Amplifiers These notes on Applied Electronics can be downloaded by clicking on the links below -\ Applied Electronics Handwritten Notes Applied Electronics Handwritten ebooks Applied Electronics Handwritten pdf download

C notes/ebook pdf download for cse/it students

Hi CSE/IT engineering friends, Here on this thread I am uploading high quality pdf lecture notes on C language. Hope these lecture notes and handouts on Data Structures will help you prepare for your semester exams. Topics covered: Algorithm and program development C programming Language Control structure in C Looping C input output function These notes can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - C lecture notes C ebooks C pdf download

Data structures pdf lecture notes/handouts download for CSE & IT engineering students

Hi CSE/IT engineering friends, Here on this thread I am uploading high quality pdf lecture notes on data structures. Hope these lecture notes and handouts on Data Structures will help you prepare for your semester exams. Topics covered: BASIC TERMINOLOGY: ELEMENTARY DATA ORGANIZATION STACKS TREES TERMINOLOGY GRAPH SEARCH These notes can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Data structures pdf lecture notes Data structures ebooks Data structures pdf download

Physics handwritten notes for first year engineering pdf download

Hi friends, Here are some handwritten lecture notes for PHYSICS for First Year Engineering Students. This is a handwritten note given in class by the professor and will help you prepare for your semester exam. The course for most universities will be covered in these notes and will give you a crisp understanding of the various concepts. The handwritten notes file on Physcis for First Year Engineering students, can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Physics handwritten notes for first year engineering Physics handwritten notes for first year engineering Physics handwritten pdf for first year engineering

General English for First Year Engineering - Handwritten Notes, eBook pdf download

Hi friends Here are some handwritten lecture notes for first year engineering students on the subject - General English.This is a handwritten note given in class by the professor and will help you prepare for your semester exam. The handwritten notes on General English for First Year Engineering can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - General English for First Year Engineering notes General English for First Year Engineering ebooks General English for First Year Engineering pdf download

Fundamentals of Computers and Programming - 2 Notes, eBook PDF Download

Hi friends Here i am uploading an important topic in engineering subject  Fundamentals of computers and programming 2 .These notes are of high quality and i am sure these will help you prepare for your examinations. Topics covered in  Fundamentals of computers and programming 2  Notes, eBook attached PDF: Introduction to Operating system. Functions of an Operating system. Classification of Operating systems. Introduction to DOS. Introduction to UNIX/LINUX OS. Introduction to Windows. Introduction to computer languages. Compiler Interpreter Loader Linker Data Communication Networks Protocols These notes on the subject -  Fundamentals of computers and programming 2  can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Fundamentals of Computers and Programming - 2 Notes Fundamentals of Computers and Programming - 2 ebooks Fundamentals of Computers and Programming - 2 pdf download

Fundamentals of computers and programming 1 notes/slides pdf download

Hi friends Here i am uploading an important topic in engineering subject  Fundamentals of computers and programming 1 .These notes are of high quality and i am sure these will help you prepare for your examination of the subject -  Fundamentals of computers and programming 1 Topics covered in  Fundamentals of computers and programming 1  Notes, eBook PDF: Evaluation of computers Hardware organization of a computer computers classification Introduction to Microprocessors Input Devices: examples with explanation Output Devices DATA STORAGE DATA REPRESENTATION Input/output ports and connectors These notes, eBook on  Fundamentals of computers and programming 1  can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Fundamentals of computers and programming 1 notes Fundamentals of computers and programming 1 ebooks Fundamentals of computers and programming 1 slides pdf

Engineering First Semester (Sem 1) Notes, eBooks, Handouts - Free PDF Download

Hey First Semester Engineering Students, here is a complete collection of lecture notes & eBooks for First Year and First Semester engineering students. All these notes/eBooks for First Semester engineering will help you study and prepare well for your semester exams. These eBooks present the topics in easy and concise manner and are suitable for almost any AICTE accredited engineering college/university in India. List of eBooks/notes for First Year - First semester engineering students: English Communication Skills for First Year (BTech) Engineering Lecture Notes eBook Basic electrical engineering PDF eBook & lecture notes download EVS - Environmental Studies Solved Question Bank for First Year (BTech) Engg. Basic electrical engineering PDF lecture notes, eBook free download Mathematics 2 eBook/handout PDF download for engineering Basic electrical & electronics engineering eBook & PDF lecture notes Organizational Behavior Notes & eBook for Engineering F...

Operating system notes/handouts pdf download for MCA Students third semester

Hi friends, Here i am sharing high quality notes of the subject Analysis and Operating system. These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. ALL THE BEST! Topics covered in these notes & eBook of Analysis & Operating System are: Module 1 - Evolution of Operating Systems:  Types of operating systems - Different views of the operating systems, Principles of Design and Implementation. The process concept, system programmer's view of processes, operating system's views of processes, operating system services for process management. Process scheduling, Schedulers, Scheduling Algorithms. Module II  - Structural overview, Concept of process and Process synchronization, Process Management and Scheduling, Hardware requirements: protection, context switching, privileged mode; Threads and their Management; Tools and Constructs for Concurrency, Detection and Prevention of deadlocks, Mutual Exclusion: Algorithms, ...

Computer Graphics & Multimedia pdf download notes for MCA 3rd sem

Hi friends, Here i am sharing high quality notes of the subject Computer Graphics & Multimedia. These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. ALL THE BEST! Topics covered in these Computer Graphics & Multimedia Notes & eBook: Unit 1 - Graphics Primitives:  Introduction, Raster & Random display concepts and devices, CRT, Primitive operations, The display file interpreter, Normalized device co-ordinates, Display file structure, Display file algorithms, Display control. Output Primitives: Line-Drawing Algorithms: Simple DDA, Symmetrical DDA and, UNIT II:Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformations:  Basic Transformations: Translation, Rotation and, Scaling; Matrix representation and Homogeneous coordinates, Composite Transformations: Translations, Rotations, Scalings, General Pivot-Point Rotation, General Fixed-Point Scaling, Concatenation Properties; Other Transformations: Reflections and shear UNIT III...

Software Engineering notes/handouts pdf download for MCA Students third semester

Hi friends, Here i am sharing high quality notes of the subject Software Engineering. These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. ALL THE BEST! Topics covered: Introduction to Software Engineering Causes & Solution of Software Crisis, Software Application and Iterative water fall life cycle Model, Prototyping/Rapid Prototyping Model and Spiral Model Software requirement & Specification Cohesion and Coupling Data Flow Oriented Design Transaction Analysis, Inventory Control System These notes can be downloaded by clicking on the links below - Software Engineering notes Software Engineering ebooks Software Engineering handout

Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming notes/ebook pdf download for MCA 2nd sem

Hi friends, Here i am sharing high quality notes of the subject Analysis and Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming. These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. ALL THE BEST! Topics covered: Module-1: Microprocessors: 8085 architecture, bus organization, registers, ALU, control section, pin-diagram, basic fetch and execute cycle of a program, timing diagrams, types of instructions, instruction format, data format, addressing modes, instruction set of 8085, Programming the 8085, Interrupts and ISR Module-2: Memory Interfacing: address space partitioning, logic devices for interfacing, R/W and ROM models, memory map addresses, memory address range of 1K memory chip, memory address lines, memory word size, memory classification, memory structure and its requirements, basic concepts in memory interfacing, address decoding and memory addresses, interfacing the 8155 memory chip, absolute vs. partial decoding. ...

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) MCA 4th sem notes pdf download

Hi friends, Here i am sharing high quality notes of the subject  Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) . These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. Topics covered in the  Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) notes, eBook : Module I Database System Architecture, Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Data Definitions and Data Manipulation Languages. Data models, Entity Relationship (ER), Mapping ER Model to Relational Mode, Network. Relational and Object Oriented Data Models, Integrity Constraints and Data Manipulation Operations. Module II Relation Query Languages, Relational Algebra, Tuple and Domain Relational Calculus, SQL and QBE. Relational Database Design: Domain and Data dependency, Armstrong's Axioms, Normal Forms, Dependency Preservation, Lossless design, Comparison of Oracle & DB2. Module III Query Processing and Optimization: Evaluation of Relational Algebra Expressions, Query Equivalen...