Auto Engine 2 subject important questions/question bank for Automobile engineering

Hi friends

Below you can find a list of important questions for the subject Auto Engine 2. These questions will give you a good idea of what to study and help you prepare well for your semester exams.

1. State difference between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine.
2. State the advantages of diesel engine over petrol engine.
3. Describe the phenomenon of combustion in S.I engine in brief.
4. Descibe the concept of hybrid car.
5. What is significance of octane and cetane number.
6. Describe the concept of supercharged engine.
7. Write a short note on fuel cell
8. What do you mean by priming of fuel feed pump.
9. Write short note on wankel engine
10. Write the effect of pollution on environment
11. Describe squish in detail.
12. Describe the working and theory of diesel engine in detail.
13. Describe working of gas turbine and jet propulsion engine
14. What do you mean by 2 stroke engine scavenging?
15. Describe the working of turbocharger
16. Define swirl in engines.

Click on below links to download important questions and question banks -

Auto Engine 2 subject important questions

Question bank for Automobile engineering


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