Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming notes/ebook pdf download for MCA 2nd sem

Hi friends,

Here i am sharing high quality notes of the subject Analysis and Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming. These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. ALL THE BEST!

Topics covered:
  • Module-1:
Microprocessors: 8085 architecture, bus organization, registers, ALU, control section,
pin-diagram, basic fetch and execute cycle of a program, timing diagrams, types of
instructions, instruction format, data format, addressing modes, instruction set of 8085,
Programming the 8085, Interrupts and ISR
  • Module-2:
Memory Interfacing: address space partitioning, logic devices for interfacing, R/W and
ROM models, memory map addresses, memory address range of 1K memory chip,
memory address lines, memory word size, memory classification, memory structure and
its requirements, basic concepts in memory interfacing, address decoding and memory
addresses, interfacing the 8155 memory chip, absolute vs. partial decoding.
  • Module-3:
Data transfer techniques & support chips: Data transfer techniques, programmed data
transfer, direct memory access data transfer, basic idea about 8212, 8255, 8257 and 8259,
analog to digital interfacing, A/D and D/A converters, analog signal conditioning
circuits, data acquisition systems.
  • Module -4:
8086 microprocessor & Microcontroller: Features of advanced microprocessors, 8086
microprocessor architecture, register organization, addressing modes; Microcontrollers
and embedded processors, overview of the 8051 microcontroller family.

These notes can be downloaded by clicking on the links below -

Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming notes

Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming ebooks

Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming pdf download


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