
Showing posts from October, 2018

Concepts in project planning pdf lecture notes, ebook download for mba

Dear Colleagues I have the lecture notes for the subject Concepts in project planning that i am sharing with all of you in this thread. The attached PDF file will help you in your preparation for Concepts in project planning and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Project Planning and scheduling techniques Introduction, The Specification, Steps, Importance of Project Planning, Planning Schedules and Scope of Prototype and Pilot Projects, Project Planning and Database Issues. Developing the project network using CPM/PERT Introduction, History of cpm/pert, Planning, Scheduling & Control, Framework For PERT And CPM, CPM/PERT Network. Constructing network diagram Introduction, Network Construction, Constructing a Network Diagram from Work Breakdown Schedule. AON basics Introduction, The Workflow, Drawing of Activity Diagram, Examples. Forward pass and Backward pass Introduction, Forward Pass, Backward Pass...

Computer application in management pdf notes, ebook download for mba

Dear Colleagues I have the lecture notes for the subject Computer application in management that i am sharing with all of you in this thread. The attached PDF file will help you in your preparation for Computer application in management and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Introduction to Computer Systems Introduction: Evolution of Computers, Characteristics, Classification Generations; Computer Architecture: Components of Computer Systems (I/O Devices); Computer Memory; Data Representation Computer Software Introduction to Software: Relation Between Hardware and Software; Types of Software: System Software, Application Software; Software Development Life Cycle; Introduction to Algorithm; Flow chart Operating Systems Operating System: Functions of OS, Measuring System Performance; Evolution of Operating Systems : Serial Processing, Batch Processing, Multiprogramming; Types of Operating System; Operatin...

Compensation management pdf notes & ebook download for MBA HR students

I have the lecture notes for the subject Compensation management that i am sharing with all of you in this thread. The attached PDF file will help you in your preparation for Compensation management and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Objectives of Compensation Introduction to Compensation and Rewards; Objective of Compensation and Rewards; Introduction to Framework of Compensation Policy; Labor market characteristics and pay relatives Wage Determination : Introduction to Compensation, Rewards, Wage Levels and Wage Structures; Introduction to Wage Determination Process and Wage Administration rules; Introduction to Factors Influencing Wage and Salary Structure and Principles of Wage and Salaries Administration; Introduction to the Theory of Wages: Introduction to Minimum, Fair and Living Wage Wage Deferential Introduction to Minimum Wages; Introduction to Basic Kinds of Wage Plans; Introduction to Wage...

Power system 2 ebook, Notes PDF download for Electrical engineering

Hi Guys, Here is an excellent  ebook  of  Power system 2  for  Electrical engineering  branch students. This  PDF  can easily be downloaded. I will also share the  lecture notes  and more topics on this subject.The modules covered in this  ebook  are as follows: Power system 2  UNIT 1:  Transmission Line Parameters UNIT II:  Performance of short and Medium Length Transmission lines UNIT III:  Performance of long transmission line UNIT IV:  Power system transients UNIT V:  Various factor governing the performance of line UNIT V1:  Overhead line Insulators These notes, eBook on Power System 2 can be downloaded below.   Power system 2 ebook   Power system 2 lecture notes   Power system 2 PDF for electrical engineering

Business strategy pdf ebook & lecture notes download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Business strategy. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Business strategy and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes for Business strategy contain the following topics: Defining Strategic Management -  Characteristics of Strategic Management Types and Hierarchy, Formulation of Strategy: Various Stages and Components of Strategic Management, Determination of various objectives like corporate, divisions and departmental objectives: Vision, Mission and Purpose, Environmental Scanning: Internal & External environment, Types of Strategies, Guidelines for crafting strategies, Tailoring strategies to fit specific Industry. Strategic Analysis and Choice -  Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP), Organizational Capability Profile, Strategic Advantage Profile, Corporate Portfolio Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Synergy an...

Business marketing pdf lecture notes & ebook download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Business marketing. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Business marketing and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Basics of Industrial Marketing Introduction to Industrial Marketing; Industrial versus Consumer Marketing; Industrial Marketing Landscape; Economics of Industrial Demand; Classification of Industrial Customers. Buying Behaviour Unique Characteristics of Organizational Procurement; Purchasing in Government Units; Industrial Buying Behaviour in Indian context; Conceptualization of Buying Behaviour; Stages in Buying. Inputs to Industrial Marketing Uncertainty Management in Industrial Marketing; Purchasing Agents in Industrial Buying; Negotiation in Industrial Marketing. Strategic Planning Process of Strategic Planning; Macro and Micro Variables Used to Segment Industrial Marketing; Indust...

Business ethics pdf ebook & lecture notes download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject  Business ethics . The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Business ethics and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes for Business ethics contain the following topics: Chapter 1: Perspective on Business Ethics and Values Chapter 2: Ethical Theories and How to Use It Chapter 3: Personal Values in Work Place Chapter 4: Values and Heuristics Chapter 5: Individual Responses to Ethical Situations Chapter 6: Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Goveranance Chapter 7: Sustainability and the Responsible Corporation Chapter 8: Ethics and Law, Dilemmas Chapter 9: Ethics and It Chapter 10: Code of Business Conduct and Ethics You can easily download these pdf notes, eBook on the subject  Business ethics  by clicking the link below.   Business ethics pdf ebook   Business ethics le...

Power systems-1 pdf download,ebook,lecture notes for EE engineers

Hello Guys, Power system - 1  is one of the most important subject in  Electrical engineering  branch.So, i thought to share the  ebook  for cs. You can download the  PDF  and study.The units covered in this  lecture notes  are as follows: Power system - 1 MODULE-I  Introduction to different sources of energy and general discussion on their application to generation,general introduction to power transmission by DC and AC overhead lines & underground cables, Perunit system, Single line diagram Choice of size and number of generating units: Review of the terms maximum demand, load factor,diversity factor, plant capacity and use factor, load & load duration curve and their effect on the generating capacity. Reserve units (hot, cold and spinning- reserve), different types of power tariffs,brief idea about national grid and its operational problems. MODULE-II  Hydro plant:  classification of plants, base load and peak loa...

Power system 3 pdf download,ebook,lecture notes for electrical engineers

Hi Fellows, I am sharing the lecture notes of  Power system 3  for students in  Electrical engineering  branch.This  ebook  covers the most important topics. You can easily download the  PDF  and the modules covered in this  ebook  are as follows: Power system 3 MODULE – I Philosophy of protection, Nature, Causes and consequences of faults, Zone of protection, Requirements of a protective scheme, Basic terminology components of protection scheme Circuit Breakers: Formation of arc during circuit breaking Theories of arc Interruption Recovery and restriking voltage, interruption of capacitive and inductive currents Current chopping, circuit breaker rating, Different types of circuit breakers Air break and Air blast circuit breaker Plain break and controlled break all circuit breakers Minimum oil circuit breakers Vacuum circuit breaker F6circuit breaker. D.C. Circuit breake MODULE – II Relay classification, Principle of dif...

Business environment pdf lecture notes & ebook download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject  Business environment . The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Business environment and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes on  International economics management  contain the following topics: Overview of Business Environment Concept; Meaning; Nature of Business Environment; Business Today; Types of Environment; Competitive Structures of Industries; Competitor Analysis; Environment- Business Relation; Environmental Analysis Process;. Importance of Environmental Analysis Economic Systems and Political Environment Economic System; Kinds of Economic System; the Flows of Economic Activity; Basic Problems of an Economy and the Role of Government; Political System; Function of State, Classification of Functions of State; Politico-Economic Synthesis Economic Transition in India: Privatization and Globalization Introduction...

Business economics pdf ebook & lecture notes download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Business economics. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Business economics and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: - Introduction to Business Economics, Scarcity, Choice and Efficiency, Demand Analysis, Supply Analysis, Equilibrium of Supply and Demand, Elasticity of Supply and Demand - Utility Approach, Preference Approach in the context of consumer choice, Indifference Curve, Price Effect and Consumer Surplus - Theory of Firm, Firm and its Production, Law of Variable Proportions, Cost Analysis, Economies of Scale - Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Imperfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, The Role of Government in the Market Economy, Pricing Strategy, Acquiring and Using Market Powers, Natural Monopoly, Profit Maximization and the Perfectly Competitive Firm - Demand and Supply in Factor Mark...

Brand positioning pdf lecture notes, ebook download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Brand positioning. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Brand positioning and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: General Introduction - Brand Positioning; Consumer's Perceptual Space; Positioning; Perceptual Mapping; Positioning: Rooted in Product Features; The Pursuit of Differential Advantage; Category Related Positioning; Various Facets of Brand Positioning Symbols by Which We Live and Buy: Positioning with Non Functional Values; Brand Personality; Advertising: Introduction and Significance; Brand Building Advertising; Brand Tracking. Brand Equity and Franchising Objectives: Rules and Risks of Brand Extension; Brand Equity; Franchising; Brand Mapping and Extension; Reading Minds: Research Techniques for Brand Positioning; New Product Opportunities. Click on links below to download lecture ...

Brand management pdf lecture notes, ebook download for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Brand management. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Brand management and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Branding Concepts: Introduction to Brand; Brand and Branding Basics; Relationship of Brands with Customers; Building Successful Brands. Terms associated with Brands: Understanding Various Terms; Brand Names and Brand Extensions; Co-Banding and Corporate Branding; Brand Associations and Brand Image. Management of Brand: Brand Loyalty; Brand Relationship; Brand Equity; Brand Management Brand Processing: Brand Evolution; Value of Brand; Brand Planning and Brand Potential. Brand Selection: Brand and Consumer Buying Process; Consumer Search for Brand Information; Issues associated with Effective Brand Name; Added Values Beyond Functionalism; Brand Personality; Branding to make Tangible the Int...

Power system operation & control pdf download,ebook,lecture notes for EE

Hi Fellows, I am sharing the  lecture notes  of  Power system operation & control  for students in  Electrical engineering  branch.This  ebook  covers the most important topics. You can easily download the  PDF  and the modules covered in this are  ebook  as follows: Power system operation & control MODULE-I  Concept of real and reactive powers, Complex power, Transmission capacity, The static load flow equations(SLFE),Definition of the load flow problem, Network model formulation, A load flow sample study, Computational aspect of the load flow problem. Gauss siedel and Newton Raphson method for power flow fast decoupled load flow, On load tap changing transformer and block regulating transformer, effects of regulating transformers. MODULE-II Power System Stability: Steady State Stability, Transient stability, Swing equation, Equal area criterion for stability, critical clearing angle, point by point Methods of...

Basics of potential management ebook, pdf lecture notes for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Basics of potential management. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Basics of potential management and help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Potential Management: Definition, The Anatomy of a High Potential, Factors of High Potentials, Potential analysis, Importance of Potential analysis, Business Potential, Potential Management Considerations, Potential Management Strategies, Employee engagement in potential building programs, The capability approach. Potential Analysis: Quality criteria of a potential analysis, Importance of the potential analysis, Objectives of potential analysis, Employee selection criteria, Quality features of potential analysis, Risk, Potential Analysis Tools, Potential problem analysis. Importance of Potential Management: Mistakes in Potential Management, Moving away from the ...

Basics of performance management ebook, pdf lecture notes for mba students

Hi Fellow MBA students I am sharing with you the ebook & lecture notes of the subject Basics of performance management. The attached PDF file will help you in your studies for Basics of performance managementand help you clearing your semester/trimester exams with ease. The attached ebook/notes contain the following topics: Concept of project quality: Definitions of Quality and Grade, Features, Development of Quality as a Competitive Advantage, Relevance of Quality Programs to Project Quality, Planning and Controlling Project Quality, Assuring Quality. Responsibility for quality in projects: Introduction, Quality Assurance, Scope, Value & Responsibility, Quality organization. Quality management at different stages of project: Process, Project Management Statistics and Performance, Project Management Knowledge, Project Management Approaches, Project Management Triangle, Quality Management vs Quality Audit, Aspects of Quality Management. TQM in projects: Introduction, Principl...

Power station engineering ebook, pdf, lecture notes download for electrical

Hello Fellas, Check out the  PDF  of  Power station engineering  for the students studying in  Electrical engineering  branch. This  ebook  is very useful and can help you score really well during your exam. The topics covered in these  lecture notes are  as follows: Power station engineering MODULE-I  Introduction to different sources of energy and general discussion on their application to generation. Hydrology : Catchments area of a reservoir and estimation of amount of water collected due to annual rainfall, flow curve and flow duration curve of a river and estimation of amount stored in a reservoir formed by a dam across the river, elementary idea about Earthen and Concrete dam, Turbines:  Operational principle of Kaplan, Francis and Pelton wheel, specific speed, work done and efficiency. Hydro plant:  - head gate, penstock, surge tank, scroll case, draft tube and tail race, classification of plants, turbines diff...

Power electronics pdf download,ebook,lecture notes for EE engineers

Hi Fellows, I am sharing the  lecture notes  of  Power electronics  for students in  Electrical engineering  branch.This ebook covers the most important topics. You can easily download the  PDF  and the modules covered in this  ebook  are as follows: Power Electronics UNIT I: POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES UNIT II: FIRING AND COMMUTATION CIRCUITS OF SCR UNIT III: SINGLE PHASE HALF CONTROLLED CONVERTERS UNIT IV: SINGLE PHASE FULLY CONTROLLED CONVERTERS UNIT V: THREE PHASE LINE COMMUTATIVE CONVERTER UNIT VI: AC VOLTAGE CONTROLLERS & CYCLO CONVERTERS Click on the links below to download the study material - Power electronics pdf download Power electronics lecture notes Power electronics ebooks for EE engineers

EE (EMI) Electrical measurements & Instrumentation lecture notes, pdf ebook

Hi Guys, Here is an excellent  ebook  of  Electrical measurements & Instrumentation  for  Electrical engineering  branch students. This  PDF  can easily be downloaded. I will also share the  lecture notes  and more topics on this subject.The modules covered in this  ebook  are as follows: UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS Functional elements of an instrument, Static and dynamic characteristics, Errors in measurement, Statistical evaluation of measurement data, Standards and calibration UNIT II ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS Principle and types of analog and digital instruments,Voltmeters, Ammeters - Multimeters, Single and three phase wattmeters and energy meters, Magnetic measurements, Determination of B-H curve and measurements of iron loss, Instrument transformers, Instruments for measurement of frequency and phase. UNIT III COMPARISON METHODS OF MEASUREMENTS D.C and A.C potentiometers, D.C and A.C bridges, Transformer rati...

Linear & digital IC Application pdf download,ebook,lecture notes for EE

Hi Fellows, I am sharing the  lecture notes  of  Linear & digital IC Application  for students in  Electrical engineering branch.This  ebook  covers the most important topics. You can download easily the  PDF  and the modules covered in this  ebook  are as follows: Linear & digital IC Application UNIT I: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS UNIT II: CHARACTERISTICS OF OP-AMP UNIT III: APPLICATIONS OF OP-AMPS UNIT IV: TIMERS & PHASE LOCKED LOOPS UNIT V: ACTIVE FILTERS UNIT VI: COMBINATION LOGIC DESIGN UNIT VII: SEQUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN UNIT VIII: PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES AND MEMORIES You can easily download the lectures notes and ebooks by clicking links below - Linear & digital IC Application pdf download Linear & digital IC Application lecture notes Linear & digital IC Application ebooks for EE

High voltage engineering ebook,pdf,lecture notes download for electrical

Hi Fellows, I am sharing the  lecture notes  of  High voltage engineering  for students in  Electrical engineering  branch.This  ebook  covers the most important topics. You can download easily the  PDF  and the modules covered in this  ebook  re as follows: MODULE-I  Conduction and breakdown in gases: Gases as insulating media, Ionisation processes. Townsend current growth equation. Current growth in the presence of secondary processes. Townsend's criterion for breakdown. Experimental determination of ionization coefficients.Breakdown in electronegative gases, time lags for breakdown, streamer theory of breakdown in gases, Paschen's law, Breakdown in non-uniform field and corona discharges,Post breakdown phenomena and applications, practical considerations in using gases for insulation purposes. MODULE-II  Conduction and breakdown in liquid dielectrics: Pure liquids and commercial liquids, conduction and breakdown...

Elements of Electrical Machines pdf,lecture notes,ebook download for EE

Hello Fellas, Check out the  PDF  of  Elements of Electrical Machines  for the students studying in  Electrical engineering  branch. This  ebook  is very useful and can help you score really well during your exam. The key topics covered in these  lecture notes , eBook of  Elements of Electrical Machines  are as follows: Module I Construction and principle of operation E.M.F. equation, types of generator No load and load characteristics, Voltage build-up of shunt Generator Voltage regulation, Application D.C. Motor Back E.M.F, torque and speed equations Speed control of series and shunt motors Characteristics and performance curves Motor starters Losses and Efficiency of D.C machines Module II Single phase Transformer Construction and principle of operation E.M.F. equation Phasor diagram Actual and approximate equivalent circuits Open and short circuit tests, voltage regulation Losses and efficiency Three Pha...

Electromagnetic Theory pdf,lecture notes,ebook download for Electrical/EE

Hi Guys, Here is an excellent  ebook  of  Electromagnetic Theory  for  Electrical engineering  branch students. This  PDF  can easily be downloaded. I will also share the  lecture notes  and more topics on this subject.The modules covered in this  ebook  are as follows: Electromagnetic Theory MODULE-I  Representation of vectors in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate system, Vector products, Coordinate transformation.The Law of force between elementary electric Charges, Electric Field Intensity and Potential due to various charge configuration, Electric Flux density, Gauss law and its application, Application of GaussLaw to differential Volume element, Divergence Theorem. Potential Gradient, Dipole, and Energy Density in Electrostatic Field. MODULE-II  Current and Conductors, Continuity of Current, Conductor Properties and Boundary Conditions. The Method of Images, Nature of dielectric Materials, Bound...

Engineering Mechanics lecture notes,ebook,pdf download for Mechanical

Hello Friends, You can now download the  PDF  format of  ebook  for the subject  Engineering Mechanics  for  Mechanical,Automobile and Industrial Production Engineering  branch students.These lecture notes will help you alot and score really well during your examinations.The topics covered in each unit are as follows: Engineering Mechanics Topics to be covered Concurrent forces on a plane: Introduction to engineering Composition of forces, parallelogram law, numerical problems Resolution of forces, equilibrium of collinear forces, super position and transmissibility, free body diagram Equilibrium of concurrent forces: Lami's theorem, method of projection, equilibrium of three forces in a plane Method of moments, numerical problems on equilibrium of concurrent forces Friction: Definition of friction, static friction, dynamics Ladder and rope friction, simple problems on ladder and rope friction General case of parallel forces, center o...

Dynamics of Machinery lecture notes,ebook,pdf download for Mechanical

Hello Friends, You can now download the  PDF  format of  ebook  for the subject  Dynamics of Machinery  for  Mechanical,Automobile and Industrial Production Engineering branch students .These  lecture notes  will help you alot and score really well during your examinations. The topics covered in each unit of  Dynamics of Machinery  are as follows: UNIT, I PRECESSION:  Gyroscopes, effect of precession motion on the stability of moving vehicles such as motor car, motor cycle, aero planes and ships. Static and dynamic force analysis of planar mechanisms. UNIT II FRICTION:  Inclined plane, friction of screw and nuts, pivot and collar, uniform pressure, uniform wear, friction circle and friction axis : lubricated surfaces, boundary friction, film lubrication. UNIT III Clutches:  Friction clutches- Single Disc or plate clutch, Multiple Disc Clutch, Cone Clutch, Centrifugal Clutch.BRAKES AND DYNAMOMETERS : Simple block ...

Design of Machine Members-I notes,ebook,pdf download for Mechanical

Hello Friends, You can now download the  PDF  format of  Lecture Notes  for the subject  Design of Machine Members - I  for  Mechanical, Automobile and Industrial Production Engineering  branch students.These lecture notes will help you alot and score really well during your examinations.The topics covered in each unit are as follows: Design of Machine Members - I Lecture Notes – 1 Introduction The subject Machine Design is the creation of new and better machines and improving the existing ones. A new or better machine is one which is more economical in the overall cost of production and operation. The process of design is a long and time consuming one. From thestudy of existing ideas, a new idea has to be conceived. The idea is then studied keeping in mind its commercial success and given shape and form in the form of drawings. In the preparation of these drawings, care must be taken of the availability of resources in money, in men and in ma...

Conventional machining processes & machine tools notes,ebook,pdf download

Helloo Fellows, Conventional machining processes & machine tools  is one of the most important subject in  Mechanical,Automobile and Industrial Production engineering branch. So, i thought to share this excellent  ebook  in the  pdf  format for you all to download and study. These notes cover the following topics. CONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES AND MACHINE TOOLS Module-IV Turning Drilling Drilling is a hole making process for which Milling TYPES OF MILLING MACHINE KNEE AND COLUMN MILLING MACHINE BED-TYPE MILLING MACHINE CENTRE-LESS GRINDING Limitations of broaching Lapping Honing Burnishing Electro polishing CENTER LATHE Lapping You can easily download the study material from below links - Conventional machining processes & machine tools notes Conventional machining processes & machine tools ebooks Conventional machining processes & machine tools PDF Download

Manufacturing Technology-1 lecture notes,ebook,pdf download for Mechanical

Hi Fellas, Check out the  ebook  of  Manufacturing Technology-1  for  Mechanical,Automobile and Industrial Production engineering students . I will also share the  lecture notes  and other ebooks in  PDF  download format. This ebook, notes for the subject  Manufacturing Technology-1  covers the following modules: UNIT I METAL CASTING PROCESSES Sand casting – Sand moulds - Type of patterns – Pattern materials – Pattern allowances – Types of Moulding sand – Properties – Core making – Methods of Sand testing – Moulding machines – Types of moulding machines - Melting furnaces – Working principle of Special casting processes – Shell – investment casting – Ceramic mould – Lost Wax process – Pressure die casting – Centrifugal casting – CO2 process – Sand Casting defects. UNIT II JOINING PROCESSES Fusion welding processes – Types of Gas welding – Equipments used – Flame characteristics – Filler and Flux materials - Arc welding equipment...

Principles of Management lecture notes,ebook,pdf download ME/AUE/IP

Hi Fellas, Check out the  ebook  of  Principles of Management  for  ME/AUE/IP  engineering students . I will also share the lecture notes and other ebooks in PDF download format. This ebook covers the following modules. Principles of Management UNIT I OVER VIEW OF MANAGEMENT Organization, Management, Role of managers, Evolution of Management thought, Organization and the environmental factors, Managing globally, Strategies for International Business. UNIT II PLANNING Nature and Purpose planning, Planning process, Types of plans, Objectives, Managing by objective (MBO) Strategies, Types of strategies, Policies, Decision Making, Types of decision, Decision Making Process - Rational Decision Making Process, Decision Making under different conditions. UNIT III ORGANISING Nature and purpose of organizing, Organization structure, Formal and informal groups / organization, Line and Staff authority, Departmentation, Span of Control, Centralization and Decentrali...

Automobile Engineering Free Notes, eBook for ME

Hello Engineers,  Automobile Engineering  is one of the most important subject in  ME/AUE/IP  engineering branch. So, i thought to share this excellent eBook in the pdf format for you all to download and study.  These notes on Automobile Engineering cover the following topics: UNIT I VEHICLE STRUCTURE AND ENGINES -  Types of automobiles, vehicle construction and different layouts, chassis, frame and body, Resistances to vehicle motion and need for a gearbox, components of engine, their forms, functions and materials UNIT II ENGINE AUXILIARY SYSTEMS -  Electronically controlled gasoline injection system for SI engines, electronically controlled Diesel injection system (Unit injector system, Rotary distributor type and common rail direct Injection system), Electronic ignition system, Turbo chargers, and Engine emission control by three Way catalytic converter systems UNIT III TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS -  Clutch types and construction, gear boxes manu...