Power systems-1 pdf download,ebook,lecture notes for EE engineers

Hello Guys,

Power system - 1 is one of the most important subject in Electrical engineering branch.So, i thought to share the ebook for cs. You can download the PDF and study.The units covered in this lecture notes are as follows:

Power system - 1


Introduction to different sources of energy and general discussion on their application to generation,general introduction to power transmission by DC and AC overhead lines & underground cables, Perunit system, Single line diagram Choice of size and number of generating units: Review of the terms maximum demand, load factor,diversity factor, plant capacity and use factor, load & load duration curve and their effect on the generating capacity. Reserve units (hot, cold and spinning- reserve), different types of power tariffs,brief idea about national grid and its operational problems.


Hydro plant: classification of plants, base load and peak load station, Turbines, head gate, penstock,surge tank, scroll case, draft tube and tail race, power plant auxiliaries. Thermal Power: Block diagrams, Boilers, steam turbines, super heater, economizer, air preheater, dustcollection, draft fans and chimney; condensers, feed water heaters, cooling water system; Governors,plant layout and station auxiliaries.


Nuclear Power: Fission & fusion, reactor construction, controlled chain reaction, operational controlof reactors, Reactors (Boiling water, pressurized water, sodium graphite, breeder), layout of nuclearpower plant. Electrical System: excitation system, AVR: magnetic amplifier and thyristor converter type/DVR.Main transformer, unit transformer and station reserve transformer, commissioning tests of alternatorsand transformers.


Substation & Earthing: Types of substations, arrangement of bus-bars and control equipments, solidearthing, resistance earthing and Peterson coil,Distribution System; types of distributors and feeders (radial & ring), voltage drop and loadcalculation, Primary and secondary distribution network.

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Power systems-1 pdf download

Power systems-1 ebooks

Power systems-1 lecture notes for EE engineers


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